Suffolk Nassau Long Island Headshots

How Personal Branding Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

Forbes magazine says

Your branding is more important than ever.

Whether you’re an employee or entrepreneur, developing a personal brand is more important than ever. One reason is that it is more common for recruiters to use social media during the hiring process. According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70% of employers use social media to select candidates during the hiring process, and 43% of employers use social media to keep an eye on current employees. Personal branding is also beneficial from the opposite perspective. When employees represent their company at events, they are not only developing their personal branding but also providing the organization more exposure. Employees can help acquire new customers and retain existing ones when they are viewed as trustworthy thought leaders. Another reason personal branding is valuable is that the self employment is not going away anytime soon. The average person switches jobs every 2 to 3 years, and by 2020, self employed and contract workers will make up 43% of the U.S. workforce.

As a result, workers need to be able to clearly communicate who they are and what they do to stand out to prospective clients and employers. If you aren’t effectively managing your online reputation, then you run the risk of losing out on business.

What is the value of having professional headshots done?

The value of a business headshot is extensive. In today’s ever-changing business markets, consumers and employers are surrounded by images more than ever before. Social media profiles are filled with images and videos that tell the stories of our lives. Companies are inundated with new job applicants daily and as someone who is either looking to get a new job or simply rise up in the professional environment they are already in, a well-shot, professional business headshot can help you to rise above the rest of your competitors.

Professional headshots serve many purposes for you and can benefit you in numerous ways. Whether you’re happy at your current job or looking to find advancement in your career, a professional headshot is an invaluable asset to your resume and brand.

Having a good headshot online is vital. Make the most out of your first impression. Your personal branding starts with your headshot.
There are a number of reasons why understanding and building your own personal brand, regardless of your profession, can add tremendous value to your life. A well-defined personal brand allows you to:
• Identify how to showcase your best self.
• Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
• Stand out from your peers and competition.
• Build your "tribe" (others who share the same values).
• Be human and have more meaningful interactions with others.
• Establish credibility.
• Demonstrate your value through your actions.
• Elevate your social proof.
• Solidify your niche.
• Convey your message and values.
• Be more confident.
Moreover, it is important to understand that everyone has a personal brand, whether you want one or not. It is defined by everything you do, from what you wear to how you compose emails to how you conduct yourself on the phone.

So how do you build your personal brand? To begin, it requires a deep understanding of yourself. As you explore your personal brand, keep in mind that you need to be authentic and honest, as you will ultimately need to live up to it. Being dishonest with yourself leads you down the road of living a lie, which can create an inconsistent message to others and leaves you vulnerable.
Mali suggest that you start by answering a simple progression of questions, both personally and professionally.
• What are your core values?
• What are your interests and passions?
• What motivates you?
• What makes you happy?
Once you have considered these questions, it is time to sit and pen a personal vision statement. This statement should be bold and true to you. Remember that it will most likely only ever be seen by you and will evolve over time, so don’t worry too much about what it looks or sounds like.
Next, consider these questions.
• What do you need and want out achieve in life?
• What will it mean to be successful in the near and distant future?
Write down as many answers as you would like, as these will be your goals. Keep in mind that, if you were honest, most of these goals were not connected to wealth but rather happiness.
Once you have listed your goals, it is time to take inventory of yourself to find out how to achieve them.
• What is your personal and professional training and experience?
• What are your key strengths?
• What are your key weaknesses?
• Why makes you unique? What qualifications make you stand out and different?
• Who makes you happy?
Once you come to understand your skills, capabilities and expectations, you can now prioritize the characteristics and people that will ultimately help you achieve your goals as well as avoid those that are holding you back.
If you find it difficult to answer some questions honestly or feel uncomfortable with some answers you have derived, consider asking close friends and family to help you.
Ask them to be honest and forthcoming, as their "sugar coating" will again only lead you down a path that is unsustainable personally.
